| - adj. 意外的, 偶然的, 无意中的, 非本质的, 附带的, 附属的, 次要的, 随机的, 无规则的, 非主要的 accidental
- adj. 意思是`贵重得无法定出价格的', 即`价格非常高的'. Priceless means `too valuable to be priced', ie `having a very high price'.*priceless
- pref. 愚蠢的). Compare non-British (`of a nationality which is not British') andun-British (`being disloyal to Britain'). 试比较non-British(非英国籍的)和un-British(不忠於英国的). unwise = `foolish' (
- n. 感到有些、 不、 不很、 非常...疼 feel some, no, not much, a lot of, etc pain
- v. 感到非常满足或高兴 extremely pleased or amused
- n. 愤怒, 情绪激动, 激怒, 激烈, 猛烈, 狂暴, 热望, 渴望, 热心, 热狂, 战争狂, 灵感, 热情, 兴奋, 昂扬, 热烈, 白热化, 时髦的东西, 非法盗用, 突然行动, 故意造成股票价格猛跌的行为, 愤激, 时兴东西, 精神错乱 rage
- 慢性非化浓性破坏性胆管炎 chronic nonsuppurative destructive cholangitis
- n. 憎恶, 反感, 厌恶, 遣责, 非难, 臭名, 公愤, 讨厌, 憎恨 odium
- 成形法非织造织物 formed fabric
- n. 我一向非常喜欢传奇性的影片. I've always been a sucker for romantic movies
- adj. 我一向非常喜欢你. I've always been very fond of you
- adj. 我一想到受贿这种事就非常反感. The idea of accepting a bribe was repugnant to me
- adj. 我上次看见她时, 她显得非常憔悴. She looked very strained when I last saw her
- v. 我不知道那辆汽车的准确速度, 但确实非常快. I don't know the car's exact speed, but it was certainly travelling
- 我们上星期考的学生都好极了. In non-defining relative clauses whom or who (not that) is used and the pronoun cannot be omitted 在非限定性关系从句中, 要用 whom 或 who(不可用that)而且不可省略 we examined last week were excellent.
- n. 我们听到你的好消息非常兴奋. We were thrilled to hear your wonderful news