| - n. 那球就在他旁边经过--这一失误太不应该. The ball's gone right past him that was a bad miss, ie one he ought to have stopped, caught, etc
- n. 那种声音表示该号电话占线. That tone means that the number is engaged
- n. 那马[船]以两个自首至尾的距离领先赢得该场比赛. boat won the race by two lengths, ie by a distance equal to twice its own length
- v. 那黄铜制品该擦了--黑糊糊的. The brasswork needs polishing it's badly tarnished
- n. 部队已将该城包围. Troops have surrounded the town
- v. 重新购置该词典的新版本. restock the dictionary in its new edition
- 钦定讲座教授(尤指牛津大学或剑桥大学的)(该职由君主钦定设立或由君主批准任命). holding a university chair which was founded by a king or queen, or is filled with the monarch's approval
- n. 钱币等背面花样和边缘之间, 该处之刻记, 钱币等反面底线下刻记年月日或铸造局名的地方 exergue
- n. 镇上居民全体出动迎接该队归来. The whole town turned out to welcome the team home
- v. 长时间阅读後应该让眼睛休息一下. You should rest your eyes after a lot of reading
- v. 长期寻求的治疗该疾病的方法 the long sought-for cure for the disease
- n. 长老监督会, 地区教会委员会(由该地区教会代表组成的管理教会事务的机构), 设有教会委员会的地区 classis
- n. 门应该与墙在同一平面上. The door should be flush with the wall
- 阵亡将士纪念日(纪念在1914-1918和1939-1945两次大战中的死难者, 时间在11月11日或最临近该日的星期日). Cf 参看 Armistice Day (armistice). 11 November, on which those killed in the wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45 are commemorated
- n. 限定词(置於名词前, 对该名词起限定作用的词, 如the、 some、 my). word, eg the, some, my, that comes before a noun to show how the noun is being used
- v. 除非有一方让步, 否则罢工很可能继续到圣诞节. 21 (combines with a n in many fixed expressions, where give and the n together have the same meaning as a v related in form to the n 与名词结合构成give + n形式的许多固定词组, 具有与该名词相应的动词同样的词义, 如 give sb a surprise = surprise sb) Unless one side gives, the strike could go on until Christmas.