| - adj. 等邊的, 等面的, 兩側對稱的, 等邊的(三角形) equilateral
- 簡稱,簡略之 for short
- n. 管弦樂隊, 管弦樂隊的全部樂器, 樂隊演奏處, 樓下座位的集合稱, 劇場的正廳, 劇場正廳的全部前排座位, 交響樂團, 樂池 orchestra
- 箱的總稱 case
- 箱的總稱 cases
- n. 米諾魚(鯉科淡水小魚的總稱). any of several types of very small freshwater fish of the carp family
- n. 精神失常的抗辯(在法庭上被告的辯護, 稱作案時精神失常). a plea of insanity, ie a plea in a court of law that a crime was due to the defendant having a mental disorder
- adj. 緊密結合成相稱的整體 combining well to form a balanced whole
- 級別、電鍍方法、鍍層質量及常用稱號 Grade, Plating type, Designation of Coating Mass & Common Coating Mass
- adv. 納米比亞, 舊稱西南非洲. Cf 參看 latter. Namibia, formerly South West Africa
- 經常用以指稱有男有女的人群中的一人 Frequently, he, him and his are used to refer to a member of a group which includes both males and females *he、 him、 his
- vt. 給...題名, 給…稱號, 給予...權利, 使...有資格, (常與to連用)授權, 定名, 給...權利, 給...稱號 entitle
- vt. 給…取名, 命名, 說出…的名稱, 叫出…的名字, 任命, 提名, 指派, 决定, 說定, 叫出, 指定 name
- adj. 給某人某名稱、 稱號、 職務或地位 give a particular name, title or position to sb
- 絶對對稱平衡 absolute symmetrical balance
- n. 綽號, 昵稱, 渾名, 諢號 nickname