  • n.  女子, 弗郎西絲, 弗朗西斯(女子)   frances
  • n.  女子, 意大利都市, 佛羅倫薩, 弗洛倫斯(女子)   florence
  • n.  女子, 比琳達, 貝林達(女子)   belinda
  • n.  女子, 瑪格麗特, 瑪格麗特(女子)   margaret
  • n.  女子, 露西LucyStoner主張女子結婚後用自己姓者, 露西(女子)   lucy
  • adv.  她一下子成了名人了.   She became a celebrity overnight
  • adj.  她一定名垂青史.   Her place in the history books is secure
  • v.  她為有卡桑德拉·波斯爾思韋特這樣的字而引以為榮.   She rejoices in the name of Cassandra Postlethwaite
  • n.  她從他的口中打聽到了獲勝者的字.   She succeeded in pumping the name of the winner out of him
  • adj.  她以個人義嚮基金會捐款.   She made a personal donation to the fund
  • n.  她出了這件丟人的事以後還怎麽能輓回譽呢?   How can she salvage her reputation after the scandal?
  • n.  她出生於名門望族.   She comes from a famous family
  • adj.  她衹是義上的主席, 實際工作是別人做的.   the real work is done by somebody else
  • v.  她告訴你姓名了嗎?   Did she tell you her name?
  • adj.  她和他們打招呼時親切地直呼其.   She greeted them by their first names in a familiar way
  • adj.  她因行為野蠻而知名.   She's notorious for her wild behaviour