  • n.  他皱著眉显不解的样子.   His face wore a puzzled frown
  • n.  他盛怒之下冲出会场.   He stormed out of the meeting in high dudgeon
  • v.  他盛怒之下大摇大摆走了房间.   He pranced out of the room in a fury
  • v.  他看她心情不好, 想逗她笑好让她不再想烦恼的事.   He could tell she was in a bad mood, and tried to laugh her out of it
  • n.  他眼里露恐惧的目光.   His fear showed in his eyes
  •   他神色平静, 似乎并不知道已事了.   He seemed serenely unaware that anything had gone wrong
  • v.  他穿上御寒的大衣冒雪外.   Fortified against the cold by a heavy coat, he went out into the snow
  • v.  他突然现使我大吃一惊.   I was completely nonplussed by his sudden appearance
  • v.  他竖起大衣领子, 匆匆冒雨去了.   He turned up the collar of his coat and hurried out into the rain
  • v.  他竟没认那是你? 真可笑!   And he didn't realize it was you? What a laugh
  • v.  他竭力(从他跌入的灌木丛中)挣脱来.   He tried to disentangle himself (from the bushes into which he had fallen).
  • v.  他笑时露了一口漂亮的白牙.   When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth
  • n.  他精神抖擞准备出发.   He's full of sap and ready to start
  • n.  他纯粹於恶意抨击政府.   His attack on the government was pure vitriol
  • adj.  他经济困难, 明摆著的路是少花钱.   Spending less money is the obvious answer to his financial problems
  • v.  他经过多年的研究, 逐渐总结了新的理论.   He has evolved a new theory after many years of research