  •   黑暗时代(从罗马帝国亡至公元第十世纪的欧洲历史时期).   history between the end of the Roman Empire and the tenth century AD
  • comb form  黑猩猩是濒於种的动物.   The chimpanzee is an endangered species
  • n.  (为消疾病、 犯罪现象等的)斗争   efforts made to eliminate disease, crime, etc
  •   (使病痛动物无痛 苦死亡的)人道毁;(为了给人做手术)使昏睡   put to sleep
  • n.  (指家族、 物种等)死光, 绝, 绝迹   no longer have any members left alive
  •   (指火、 灯、 燃烧物等)熄   extinguished; not burning
  •   (指火焰等)被风等熄   be extinguished by the wind, etc
  •   (指火)因燃料用尽而熄   stop burning because there is no more fuel
  • n.  (有)失败、 灾祸或覆的清楚的徵兆   clear signs that warn of failure, disaster or defeat
  • adj.  (生命等)有危险的, 有绝危险的, 将要绝种的   endangered