| - 罗经自差图 compass deviation chart
- 罗经自差曲线图 compass diagram
- 罗经自差记录簿 compass comparison book
- 罗经误差 compass errors
- n. 股市危机打击了美国经济的薄弱环节(如贸易逆差). The stock-market crisis struck at the soft underbelly of the US economy, eg its trade deficit
- n. 胜败双方比分的巨大差数 a wide margin between the winner and the loser, eg a big difference in points scored
- n. 能够对意义上的细微差异做出反应. be able to react to nuances of meaning
- adj. 脚踏实地的, 踏实的, 准没错的, 稳固的, 稳当的, 无差错的 surefooted
- 膜片式差压计 diaphragm type differential pressure gauge
- 膜盒差定温组合式探测器 combined diaphragm chamber-type rate-of-rise and fixed temperature detector
- 膜盒差温探测器 diaphragm chamber-type rate-of -rise detector
- 膜盒式差压流量计 bellows differential flowmeter
- 膨胀接头罗差校正磁铁 compensator
- 臂距差 crank web deflection
- 自动差分细胞计数器 Automated differential cell counter
- 自动差异化 auto difference