| - 捐赠;移交;让与;将...移交给;交出;将...送交,依次传递 hand over/on to
- 捐赠;移交;让与;将…移交给;交出;将…送交,依次传递 hand over/on to
- 捕捞加工船(在海上将捕获物急冻加工的渔船). ship to which ships in a fishing fleet bring their catch for processing, and often quick-freezing, while still at sea
- 接[将]近(...岁)(常用 -ing形式) go on for
- 接触印相照片(将底片直接置於印相纸上进行曝光而成). photographic print made by placing a negative directly onto the printing paper and exposing it to light
- 接近尾声, 即将完结 wane to the close
- adj. 接近的, 此次的, 即将来临的 oncoming
- vt. 插入, 塞挤, 猛推, 冲, 刺, 突然提出, 不恰当地插进, 逼迫, 将...强加于, 延伸, 力推, 挤进, 戳, 强加, 延伸 thrust
- v. 改建而成的一套房间(将大的房屋分隔而成者) a converted flat, ie made by dividing up a large house
- n. 改革教育制度将是一个艰难的过程. Reforming the education system will be a difficult process
- 政党分肥制(获胜政党将重要公职委派给支持者的制度). system by which important public positions are given to supporters of the political party that wins power
- v. 政务委员会将要决定当地剧院的命运. The council's decision will make or break the local theatre
- n. 政府将改革法制列为工作的重点. priority to reforming the legal system
- n. 政府已将贸易统计数字延後公布. The government have delayed publication of the trade figures
- n. 故意将(船)弄沉(凿穿船舷或船底或打开阀门). deliberately by opening valves or making holes in its side or bottom
- v. 敌军的空袭将整个坦克团完全钳制住了. A whole tank regiment was completely immobilized by enemy air attacks