| - adj. 他的书预定十月份出版. His book is due to be published in October
- prep. 他的作品在他的有生之年从未出版过. During his lifetime his work was never published
- adj. 他的反应完全出乎大家意料之外. His reaction was quite unexpected
- n. 他的地主有 5000 英亩土地. A similar relationship exists between a lessee and a lessor, which are legal terms. 表示上述两者关系的词还有 lessee(承租人)和 lessor(出租人), 是法律用语. They both sign a lease (a written legal agreement defining the terms of the tenancy) 双方共同签订 lease(合同)--规定 tenancy(租赁)条款的法律性书面协议 His landlord owns 5000 acres.
- n. 他的小说新作未能反映出他的才华. His latest novel does him an injustice, ie does not show how well he can write
- n. 他的工厂生产的纸张仅供出口. He manufactures paper for exportation only
- n. 他的戏剧与众不同之处就是平凡得出奇. His plays are distinguished only by their stunning mediocrity
- n. 他的日记暴露出他又贪婪又傲慢. shows him up to have been a greedy, arrogant man
- n. 他的演出无懈可击. No one could fault his performance
- 他的舞艺无出其右. (For other idioms containing second, see the other major words in each idiom 查阅其他含有second一词的习语, 见该习语中含有其他主要词的词条, 如 get one's second wind =>wind1.) As a dancer, he is second to none.
- prep. 他的薪水比起全国平均水平高出很多. His salary vis-a-vis the national average is extremely high
- v. 他的话别人实在说不出口(如因太下 流). His language won't bear repeating, eg because it's too obscene
- adj. 他的话别人实在说不出口(如因粗俗、 下流等). His comments are not repeatable,eg because they were rude, obscene, etc
- adj. 他的话很不得当(出言不逊). His language was most unseemly, ieabusive
- 他的这出新戏有些地方真是妙不可言. His new play has a certain je ne sais quoi
- n. 他的首场演出一败涂地, 观众发出嘘声把他轰下了台. the audience booed him off the stage