  • adj.  这些制动器应更灵敏些.   These brakes should be more responsive
  • n.  这些灌木的蔓生枝条剪了.   These straggly stems should be pruned off the bush
  • n.  这些科学家获国政府特别邀请正在进行访问.   The scientists are visiting this country as guests of the government
  • v.  这些缺德孩子真该死!   Darn those blasted kids
  • n.  这些衣服该洗了.   These clothes will have to be washed
  • n.  这动物太凶, 应给它戴上口套.   Such a fierce animal ought to be muzzled
  • n.  这套管子该换了.   The piping will need to be renewed
  • n.  这孩子该好好打一顿.   The child needs a good smacking
  • v.  这幅画是画家早期艺术风格的典型.   This painting exemplifies the artist's early style
  • v.  这所房子该修了.   The house is in want of repair
  • v.  这是画首次公开展出.   It's the first time the painting has been displayed to the public
  • n.  这次选举後党已沦为微不足道的少数党.   The election reduced the Party to a rump
  • n.  这汤应该再加点调料.   The soup needs more flavouring
  •   这火该添点煤了.   The fire needs making up, ie needs to have more coal put on it
  • n.  这种不道德的行为应受到惩罚.   should be punished
  •   这类事不该容许.   Such things ought not to be allowed