| - 双吊杆联合作业装置 spar and boom gear
- 双向轴向装料 bidirectional axial fuel loading
- 双宫绸套装 doupion silk piece good suit
- 双宫绸套装 doupion silk suit
- 双宫绸长外套装 doupion silk suit with long overcoat
- 双层铁线铠装电缆 double wire-armored cable
- 双手解扣装置 two-hand controls
- 双排钮上装 double-breasted suit
- 双排钮鲨鱼皮西装 double-breasted shark-skin suit
- 双极装置 bipolar dcvice
- 双极装置 Bipolar Device
- 双柱校正压装液压机 double column hydraulic straightening and mounting press
- 双用途装置 dual-purpose machine
- 双绉绢宫绸套装 crepe de chine spun silk suit
- 双膜包装材料生产技术 technology of double film packing materials
- 双面印花或提花装饰布 reversible cretonnes