| - 输卵管补植术 Reimplantation with microscopic
- 辖补强焊缝 flush weld
- 过峰补偿放大器 overpeaked compensating amplifier
- n. 过度补偿, 过度补偿 overcompensation
- 运动补偿器 motion compensator
- n. 运费贴补, 运费补贴, 货主送给船长等的酬金 primage
- adv. 运送补给品的列车. a supply train
- v. 运送部队或补给品的)运输船, 运输机. ship or aircraft for carrying troops or supplies (
- n. 这个错误是无法补救的. past remedy, ie cannot be put right
- v. 这份工作唯其薪水尚可弥补一切之不足. The sole redeeming feature of this job is the salary
- v. 进一些新书补充到图书馆的书架上 restock the library shelves with new books
- n. 连结者, 配合者, 插头联结装置, 联接器, 管接头, 耦合器, 车钩, 发色剂, (风琴上连结两组键盘的)联奏器, 填[补]充剂 coupler
- 连续补充CZ法 continuously charged CZ method
- n. 追加, 增补, 添加, 被增补或添加的状态, 添加的事物, 附加 subjunction
- adj. 追加的, 外加的, 附加的, 补充的, 外来的 adscititious
- adj. 途中、 起程或补给供应)为暴风雨等所阻的 prevented by storms from continuing or starting a journey, going out or receiving supplies (