  •   强制通风空气冷却器   forced draft air cooler
  •   当其闲的时候; 方便时   at one's leisure
  • n.  当中小姐言行需十分得体.   You need a lot of tact to be an air hostess
  •   当量空速   equivalent airspeed
  • n.  形成完全的真空状态.   create a perfect vacuum
  • v.  形成空洞,挖空   hollow
  • n.  形而上学, 玄学, 形而上学, 谈, 理论, 纯粹哲学, 宇宙哲学   metaphysics
  • n.  影响, 冲击, 撞击, 侵害, 侵犯, 气采样法, 气雾捕集法   impingement
  • adj.  徒然的, 虚荣的, 虚的, 徒劳的, 无效益的, 虚饰的, 自负的, 得意的, 自夸的, 爱虚荣的, 愚蠢的, 无用的, 无结果的, 无益的   vain
  •   得东失西, 落得一场空   let it have its swing (=give full swing to it) lose on the swings what you make on the roundabouts
  •   得东失西, 落得一场空   let it have its swing (=give full swing to it) lose on the swings what you gain on the roundabouts
  •   得东失西, 落得一场空   let it have its swing (=give full swing to it) lose on the swings what you get back on the roundabouts
  • n.  徘徊者, 闯门的小偷, 小偷   prowler
  • n.  徙步旅行者, 徒步旅行者, 高电线检修工   hiker
  •   循环空气   circulating air
  •   循环空气压缩机   circulating air compressor