  • n.  我们在谈判中有取得什麽进展.   We are making little headway with the negotiations
  • indef det  我们在那里只待了两个小时, 因此怎麽游览.   We saw few of the sights as we were only there for two hours
  • n.  我们已经有好几个星期有听到他的消息了, 但是仍然在盼望著(能有信来).   We haven't heard from him for weeks but we're still hoping (for a letter).
  • v.  我们建议他搭我们的车, 但他有接受.   We offered him a lift, but he didn't accept
  • adj.  我们怎麽劝她都用--她连听都不听.   Our efforts to persuade her were fruitless she didn't even listen
  • n.  我们打过电话, 可是屋里有人.   Nobody was in when we called
  • n.  我们排队等候一小时也进去.   We queued for an hour but didn't get in
  • n.  我们整星期一直工作, 有片刻空闲.   We've been working all week without a moment's leisure
  • pron.  我们曾有三只猫--现在一个活的也有了.   are alive now
  • adv.  我们有一点面包, 有什麽别的了.   not much else, ie not much more
  • n.  我们有年头儿见面了.   It's donkey's years since we've seen each other
  •   我们有有对付焦虑的良药呢?“我非常害怕,”JulieWhite说。不过,她有应付之道:瑜伽术的肢体伸展和深呼吸。这一练习可以使她平静下来,效果极佳,以至当恐怖升级以后,White将她的练习也升了级--从一天一次课到一天两次。她说:“瑜伽是我的镇定剂。”   Is there an antidote to anxiety? "I'm very frightened, " said Julie White. But she has a remedy: the stretching and deep breathing of yoga. The practice is so calming that after the terror upgrade, White made an upgrade of her own--from one class a day to two. she says, "Yoga is my tranquilizer."
  • n.  我们本可以不买票就进去--根本人收票.   We could have got in for nothing nobody was collecting tickets
  •   我们有你的帮助就一筹莫展.   We would be totally lost without your help
  • adv.  我们有咖啡了. 改喝茶好麽?   We've no coffee. Would you like tea instead?
  • n.  我们有处理群众投诉的部门.   We have no machinery for dealing with complaints