英Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 客运列车有时也有货车车厢. (`货车车厢'英式英语为goods wagon, 美式英语为freight car.) 2 Cargo [C] can also indicate a particular load that is being transported *cargo还可指所运载货物的量 freight cars.
- n. 宪章运动(英国19世纪30年代争取普选和社会改革的运动). > Chartist/ 5tFB movement in Britain in the 1830's seeking electoral and social reform
- n. 容积吨(尤指容纳40立方英尺木材的). measure of capacity for various materials, esp 40 cubic feet of timber
- n. 对流层(距地表约七英里). layer of the atmosphere that extends about seven miles upwards from the earth's surface
- v. 将蔬菜、 鸡蛋、 大米等浸於水中煮叫boil. *We steam fish, puddings, etc by placing the food above boiling water. 将鱼、 布丁等置於沸水上蒸叫steam. *2 Meat, fish, vegetables, etc can be fried in shallow oil or fat. 将肉、 鱼、 蔬菜等放在少许植物油或动物油里煎叫fry. *Chips, chicken pieces, etc can be completely covered by oil and deep-fried. 将土豆条、 鸡块等完全浸入油中炸叫deep-fry. *We saute vegetables very quickly in a small amount of oil. 用少量油将蔬菜很快一炒叫saute. *3 We roast large pieces of meat, potatoes, etc and we bake bread, cakes, etc in the oven. 在烤箱里烘烤大块的肉、 土豆等叫roast, 烘烤面包、 糕饼等叫bake. *Small or flat pieces of meat, fish, etc are grilled (US broiled) by being placed under direct heat. 将小块的或切成片的肉、 鱼等置於发热器下面烘烤叫grill(美式英语叫broil). *Boil, fry, roast and bake can be used in two types of sentence *boil、 fry、 roast、 bake可用於以下两种句型 We boil vegetables, eggs, rice, etc by covering them with water and heating it.
- n. 尊主颂(童贞女马利亚赞美上帝之歌, 用於英国国教礼拜中). the Magnificat song of the Virgin Mary praising God, used in Church of England services
- n. 小人国, 小人国(英国作家JonathanSwift所著小说《格列佛游记》中的假想国, 其居民身高仅6英寸左右) lilliput
- n. 小地主, 乡绅, 拥有土地的富农或乡绅, (英国中世纪)小地主 franklin
- n. 小山, 突岩(尤指英格兰西南部的). small hill or rocky peak, esp in parts of SW England
- 小幼树(高3-10英尺) small sapling
- n. 小桶(通常容量不足10英加仑或30美加仑). =>illus at barrel 见barrel插图. small barrel, usu containing less than 10 British or 30 US gallons of liquid
- n. 小温鱼, 海中微生物, 英国人, 小鲱鱼 brit
- n. 小田地, 小农地, 晒漂场, 园地, 小农场, (苏格兰和英格兰北部的)小农场 croft
- n. 小礼拜堂, 礼拜, 小教堂, 礼拜堂, 附属教堂, 教堂内的私人祈祷处, 国教以外的教堂, 礼拜仪式, 印刷厂工人的工会, 殡仪馆, 殡仪室, (医院、监狱的)附属教堂, (教堂里的)私人祈祷处, (英格兰、威尔士等地)英国国教以外的教堂, 小礼拜堂中的礼拜仪式, (苏格兰)天主教教堂 chapel
- n. 小餐馆(在英国通常不供应酒类). drinks
- n. 尖木桩, 木桩, 尖板条, 栏杆, 栅栏, 围篱, 界限, 范围, 境内, 地区, 12世纪后并入英国的爱尔兰东部地区, 徽章中部的垂直线条, 界线 pale