| - 我从来没想过要辞职. The thought of resigning never crossed my mind, ie never occurred to me
- adj. 我从来没有见过这麽不般配的一对儿. I've never seen such an incompatible couple
- n. 我从来没有读过如此哀思绵绵的作品! I've never read such a load of mush
- n. 我从来没有过这种想法. The thought never entered my head
- n. 我以前没到过这里(或作 This is an unfamiliar topic to me
- indef det 我以前没去过纽约, 我妹妹也没去过. I haven't been to New York before and neither has my sister
- n. 我以前还没有在白天看过你的花园呢. I haven't seen your garden in daylight before
- n. 我们上星期才搬的家, 还没安顿下来呢. We only moved house last week and we haven't settled in yet
- v. 我们仔细地听, 但什麽也没听见. We listened carefully but heard nothing
- n. 我们以前和这家公司没有商业往来. We've had no previous dealings with this company
- 我们保持镇定、 同心协力就没有问题. If we keep calm and stick together, we'll be all right
- indef det 我们俩没一个懂德语的. Neither one of us could understand German
- adj. 我们前面的客货车滑出我们左边的路, 侥幸没撞上. Luckily the van ahead of us skidded off the road on our left, but it was a very near miss
- v. 我们原想安安静静地度假, 却没有把孩子考虑在内. We wanted a quiet holiday, but we had reckoned without the children
- adv. 我们去电影院了, 没到其他地方去. We went to the cinema and nowhere else, ie to no other place
- n. 我们回来得早, 没想到正撞见有贼正在偷柜橱里的东西. We returned early and surprised the burglars searching through the cupboards