| - 射频电容器 radio frequency capacitor
- v. 将复杂的论证内容分为若干要点 resolve a complex argument into its basic elements
- v. 将某人[某事物]形容为、 视为可耻之物 sth as sth disgraceful or shameful
- 将某项内容写入(合同、 协议等)中 to a ballot paper if this does not include that name; vote for sb in this way 在选票上填写(非原定候选人的姓名); 以这种方式选举. write sth into sth include sth as part of (a contract, an agreement, etc)
- n. 将面部皮肤拉紧以消除皱纹的)整容手术, 面部拉皮手术. operation in which the skin is tightened to smooth out wrinkles and make the face look younger (
- 将(未满的容器)装满 up fill up (a partly empty container)
- v. 将(酒等)自瓶中倒入另一容器(尤指慢倒以留下沉淀). from a bottle into another container, esp slowly so that the sediment is left behind
- n. 小册子(尤指宗教或政治内容的). pamphlet containing a short essay, esp on a religious or political subject
- 小型化大容量无线电遥测设备 miniaturized large capacity radio telemetry equipment
- n. 小型注油器, 小的油容量, 小油壶 cadger
- 小型瓷电容器 miniature ceramic capacitor
- 小型聚酯电容器 miniature polyester capacitor
- 小室容器 chamber vessel
- n. 小桶(通常容量不足10英加仑或30美加仑). =>illus at barrel 见barrel插图. small barrel, usu containing less than 10 British or 30 US gallons of liquid
- n. 小池, 电池, 透明小容器 cuvette
- 尖舱散装舱容 cubic capacity of grain ex peaks