| - v. 那老太太的子女都先她而去世了. The old lady has survived all her children
- v. 那部长很不光彩地背离了他原先的立场. The minister made an undignified retreat from his earlier position
- n. 那马[船]以两个自首至尾的距离领先赢得该场比赛. boat won the race by two lengths, ie by a distance equal to twice its own length
- 鄂骨矫正术(先天畸型矫正) Orthognathic surgery
- 采用先进技术和工艺 to adopt advanced technology
- 重 要的事情先来 first things first
- v. 重新提到或想起原先的问题、 旧事等 mention again or remember an earlier subject, event, etc
- n. 重点事项如缺房户问题, 要首先著手解决. Priority cases, such as homeless families, get dealt with first
- n. 铅, 领引, 榜样, 铅制器, 笔铅, 子弹, 枪弹, 铅锤, 测深锤, 水砣, 铅板屋顶, 铅条, 铅笔心, 空铅, 线索, 提示, (比赛中)领先, 领先地位, 领先距离, 领先程度, 开牌权, 主角, 新闻的主要一段或第一段, 牵狗的链子或皮带, 导线, 领导, 领先, 铅陲, 石墨, 铅笔芯 lead
- n. 铲子, 舀取, 独家新闻, 勺, 杓, 戽斗, 勺状物, 匙, 铲, 铲斗, 煤斗, 舀, 一舀之量, 一铲之量, 捞网, 挡网, 洞穴, 凹进处, 内幕消息, 暴利, 吸入口, 进气口, 收集器, 箕式清沟器, 挖掘机, 低圆领口, 勺子, (挖土机上的)铲斗, 一勺之量, 汲, 挖, 掘, 抢先得到的新闻 scoop
- n. 长子较之非长子享有优先权. The elder son has precedence over the younger one
- 长米,较硬,煮前先泡一个小时 Long rice
- v. 闪电与打雷先後相差的几秒钟. a lag of several seconds between the lightning and the thunder
- n. 阁下, 先生, 阁下, 老爷 effendi
- 阁下,先生 Your Honor
- n. 队伍, 行列, 行进, 游行, 先行, 发出, 圣灵的发出, 竞争不激烈的赛跑, 一列, (人、车等的)行列 procession