| - n. 該項聲明大意是該商行已破産. The purport of the statement is that the firm is bankrupt
- adj. 該項宣佈受到普遍的歡迎. The announcement was met with general rejoicing
- n. 該項政策受到神職人員的譴責. from the pulpit
- adj. 該項法規具有追溯效力. The legislation was made retrospective
- n. 該項目因缺乏資金而告吹. The project foundered as a result of lack of finance
- n. 該項目極佳, 但地方輿論卻表示反對. The project seems excellent, but local opinion is against it
- v. 該項預測展望經濟前景暗淡, 因而股票價格大跌. Share prices plunged as a result of the gloomy economic forecast
- v. 該領導人受到了首相的接見. The chief was received by the Prime Minister
- n. 該風俗起源不詳. The origins of the custom are unknown
- n. 該食品保證不含添加劑. This food is guaranteed additive-free, ie The manufacturer officially promises that it contains no additives
- n. 說句公道話, 我們得承認她應該獲勝. To do her justice, we must admit that she did deserve to win
- n. 譴責該政權迫害政敵. accused the regime of torturing its political opponents
- 象徵性償付(償付所欠的一小部分, 作為承認該債務的象徵) token payment
- n. 象徵性的償付(償付小部分欠款, 作為承認該債務的象徵) a token payment, ie payment of a small part of what is owed, as an acknowledgement of the debt
- v. 負責在該國北部地區促銷的推銷員. the salesman covering the northern part of the country, ie selling to people in that region
- n. 責任心強的新聞工作者應該不厭其煩地核實報道內容. Decent journalists should take the trouble to check their facts