| - prep. 他能要我做什麽呢? What can he want with me?
- n. 他能言善辩, 很快就鼓动起人群向他的对手们大喝倒彩. His oratory soon had the crowd booing his opponents
- n. 他能言善辩打动了群众. The crowd were swayed by his eloquence
- v. 他能言善辩把对方驳得体无完肤. He pulverized the opposition with the force of his oratory
- n. 他能随意处置一大笔财产. He is the master of a large fortune, ie can use it as he wishes
- v. 他能饰演许多著名政治家的角色. He can impersonate many well-known politicians
- n. 他藉口无能为力拒不捐献. He refused to contribute, on the plea that he couldn't afford it
- n. 他虽然竭尽全力, 但仍未能将那石块搬起. He failed to lift the rock in spite of all his exertions
- adj. 他表情严肃, 我知道可能出事了. He looked grim; I could tell something was wrong
- adj. 他要不是考试很紧张, 成绩可能不错. He would probably do well in the examination only he gets very nervous
- 他要冲破几名後卫的拦截才能得分. He had to beat several defenders to score
- adj. 他要是想做的话, 他就能做. He could do it if he were so minded
- 他认为他是第二个丘吉尔(自信有丘吉尔的才能). He thinks he's a second Churchill! ie believes he has Churchill's abilities
- v. 他认为他的成功是靠运气而不是因为自己有能力. He owes his success more to luck than to ability
- indef det 他讲的话并非每句我都能听见. I couldn't hear every word of his speech
- v. 他说很可能下雨. He observed that it would probably rain