| - n. 装饰屋瓦, 末端装饰, 檐口饰 antefix
- 裸压接端头 Bare Pressure Welding Terminal
- n. 西端入口处的门廊, 门廊, 前厅, 门厅 galilee
- n. 要解决这一争端需有高明的手腕. Settling the dispute needed a diplomatic master-stroke
- adj. 见解(通常指政治方面)不极端的, 不偏激的, 温和的 opinions that are not extreme
- adj. 规规矩矩的, 呆板的, 拘谨的, 整洁的, 一本正经的, 丝毫不苟的, 古板的, 端庄的, 端正的 prim
- 视频端口转换器 video port converter
- 角端配件 corner fitting
- n. 解决一争端、 争论、 问题等 settle a dispute, an argument, an issue, etc
- v. 解决争端、 困难、 危机 resolve an argument, a difficulty, a crisis
- n. 计算机在终端停止输入的情况下汇集处理的)成批作业 set of jobs that are processed together by a computer with no input from individual terminals (
- 计算机字符显示终端 word-symbol display terminal for computer
- adj. 计算机系统的)终端机. apparatus, usu consisting of a keyboard and screen, forcommunicating with the central processor in a computingsystem (
- 计算机终端 computer terminal
- adj. 讼棍的, 骗人的, 讲歪理的, 吹毛求疵的, 琐碎的, 卑劣的, 低贱的, 讼棍式的, 诡计多端的(律师), 诡辩的 pettifogging
- adj. 识门的, 刺激门槛的, 阈的, 入口的, 最初的, 开端的, 局限的, 易觉的 liminal