  • v.  我听到这个息心情万分激动.   My heart leapt for joy at the news
  •   我听到这个息时感到震惊.   I had a shock when I heard the news
  • v.  我听到那坏息, 一直全然不知所措.   I've been in a complete daze since hearing the sad news
  • v.  我告诉她这息时, 她以怀疑的目光注视著我.   She gazed at me in disbelief when I told her the news
  • v.  我在今天的报纸上读到关於她的息.   of her in today's paper
  • adj.  我对你的成功[听到你成功的息/对你已获成功]感到很高兴.   that you succeeded
  • n.  我带上一些轻松的读物乘火车时遣.   for the train journey
  • adj.  我得知那一息大为震惊.   The news gave me a nasty shock
  • n.  我想把我得到的息告诉你.   I want to share my news with you
  • v.  我把要结婚的息告诉了母亲, 母亲非常激动.   My mother really flipped when I told her I was getting married
  • adj.  我是间接听到这息的.   I heard the news in a roundabout way
  •   我最初听到公司倒闭的息是乔治告诉我的.   was when George told me
  • n.  我最喜欢的遣、 嗜好、 餐馆、 姑母   my favourite occupation, hobby, restaurant, aunt
  • v.  我有重要息要告诉你--是好息, 我得赶紧补充一句.   I have important news for you good news, I hasten to add
  • v.  我没有消息可告诉你.   I have no news to impart (to you).
  • n.  我用业余爱好来除工作中产生的紧张情绪.   My hobby is a good safety-valve for the tension that builds up at work