| - n. 程序裝置, 定序器, 序列發生器, 模進程序裝置, 音序器 sequencer
- 空白序列 blank sequence
- 突發脈衝序列周期 Burst Period (BP)
- n. 窗之排列與配合法, 開窗法, 門窗的設計, 採光的開口, 窗子和其它採光設備, 開窗術 fenestration
- adv. 等, 等等(表示列舉未盡) `so forth and other things of the kind that have already been mentioned
- 等待隊列信道 channel, waiting queue
- 簡明結論(比文摘更簡短, 衹開列論文的中心結論) terse conclusion
- n. 箍條, 輪箍, 船上殼板或鋼板的箍帶, 防滑輪爪, 護墻板, 手選臺, 列, 條紋, 狹長地, 洗礦槽, 輪鐵, 船底板 strake
- n. 算盤, 頂板, 冠板, 洗金盤, 列綫圖, 欄桿小柱頂, 陳列杯瓶用的有孔板 abacus
- 籬列 hedgerow
- 米索前列醇+雙氯芬酸 Arthrotec
- 米索前列醇+雙氯芬酸 Misoprostol+Diclofenac
- n. 類似物件的)一排或一係列(如機器中的) row or series of similar objects, eg in a machine (
- 類繼承列表 class derivation list
- n. 列專題音樂會、 戲劇會演等 series of concerts, plays, etc with a particular theme, eg works by certain artists
- 係列製圖 systematic mapping