出Chinese English Phrase:
| - adj. 他把衣袋里的东西全都掏出来了. He emptied his pockets of their contents
- v. 他把身体挣脱出来了. He managed to wrench himself free
- n. 他把那些人领出去进了花园. He led the group out into the garden
- v. 他抛弃了妻子儿女, 出国去了. He deserted his wife and children and went abroad
- n. 他抬书柜时出现了疝. He ruptured himself lifting a bookcase
- v. 他抿了一口酒, 又吐了出来. He took one sip of the wine and spat it out
- n. 他拿一贯受气的妻子出气. He vented his anger on his long-suffering wife
- v. 他指出地球是围绕太阳转的. He taught that the earth revolves around the sun
- n. 他推断, 我们要是黎明出发, 中午就能到. He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would be there by noon
- v. 他掷出一连三个六点. He threw three sixes in a row
- n. 他提出了一些盘根究底的问题. He was asking probing questions
- n. 他提出指控後迅即得到答覆. His accusations brought an immediate response
- v. 他提出的缺席理由显然是瞎编的. The reason he gave for his absence was obviously fabricated
- n. 他提出辞职. He asked to be relieved of his post, ie offered his resignation
- v. 他撞翻了水桶, 水全流出去了. He knocked the bucket over and all the water spilt out
- v. 他无论多麽不道德的事都干得出来. He'd stoop to anything, ie He has no moral standards