  • adj.  进入皇宫时要在入口大厅等候, 由人带领进入正殿.   You have to wait in a large entrance hall before being shown into the court proper
  • v.  进屋前先敲门.   Don't enter without knocking
  • adj.  进步的, 前进的, 进的, 上进的, 进取的, 发展的, 渐次的, 逐渐的, 渐进的, 主张进步的, 进步党的, 进行性的, 进行的, 搭档的人进行轮换的, 逐步前进的, 累进的(税), 随时代进步的, 现代的, 累进的   progressive
  • n.  远见, 深谋远虑, 见之明, 远景, 前视, 瞄准器, 准星, 见, 预见   foresight
  •   选择选票制(选举者可在选票中注明对被选举人的优选择次序)   preferential voting [system]
  •   通知, 通告; 预通知(解雇、辞职等)   give notice
  •   造型先进的   form advanced
  • adj.  道学生般地疾恶如仇.   pursue vice with puritanicalzeal
  •   道氏综合征,天愚型   Down syndrome
  • v.  遗嘱要认证, 然後我们才能继承遗产.   The will has to be proved before we can inherit
  • adj.  那个老生拄著个手杖.   The old man leant upon his stick
  • v.  那位生物学家把标本染色, 然後再通过显微镜进行观察.   The biologist stained the specimen before looking at it through the microscope
  • n.  那位老生离开手杖就走不了路.   The old man cannot walk without a stick
  • adj.  那匹热门马稍稍领先.   the rest
  • n.  那家公司在汽车设计上多年来一直领.   That firm was the pace-setter in car design for many years, ie introduced new ideas which were copied by others
  • adv.  那液体变成绿色, 又变成棕色了.   The liquid turned green and then brown