| - abbr. 玛丽·弗朗西斯修女. Sr Mary Francis
- v. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝. Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back
- 环氧修补腻子 epoxy repair putty
- n. 班轮正在船坞修理. The liner is in dock for a refit
- n. 瑜珈修行者, 信奉瑜珈者, 沉思默想者, 神秘莫测的人, 瑜珈信徒, 瑜珈论者, 非常沉思或神秘的人, 瑜珈师, 瑜珈信奉者 yogi
- 生产和修理集装箱的车间 box shop
- vt. 生火,修理,改过 beet
- adv. 用以修饰形容词和作形容词用的过去分词 Very is used to modify adjectives and past participles used as adjectives *very
- prep. 用於两名词之间, 前者修饰後者) products of foreign origin 外国的产品. 13 (used between ns, the first describing the second
- v. 用枝条编筑或修理(篱笆) by weaving branches together
- n. 用碎石做路基修筑的道路 a road built on a foundation of rubble
- adv. 用碎石铺设或修补(道路) with broken stone
- 用蓝笔校订[修改] blue pencil (=blue-pencil)
- 用言语作出表示; 口头发表...意见(常在 noises 前加修饰语) make noises
- n. 用词不当, 修辞生硬且自相矛盾的误用, 词形更改, 词语误用, 譬喻的乱用, 因误解词源而导致的字形更改 catachresis
- adv. 用词不当地,修辞生硬且自相矛盾的误用地 catachrestically