  • adj.  因为刷洗了碗碟感到情操尚.   abouthaving done the washing-up
  • n.  因大雾弥漫, 速公路上发生了几起严重的连环撞车事故.   The thick fog has caused several bad pile-ups on the motorway
  •   因气温很, 他浑身长了皮疹.   The heat brought him out in a rash
  •   因科800镍铬铁温合金   Incoloy 800
  • adj.  因兴、 恐惧、 悲伤、 忧虑等而精神不能集中. distractedly adv   distracted with joy, fear, sorrow, anxiety, etc
  • v.  因烧或恐惧而引起的)颤抖, 战栗   the shivers [pl] fit of trembling, resulting from fever or fear (
  • n.  围裙, 壁脚板, 唇布, 挡板, 选矿槽折流板, 溜板箱, 窗台, 护干墙, 防冲铺砌, 防爆坡, 海漫, 护坦, 冰川沉积平原, 船头的护船木, 停机坪, 尔夫球场的绿茵的边缘, 拳赛台围绳外的部分, 长毛动物胸前的毛, 由铁片拼成的输送带, 口罩, 伪装天幕, 台口, 防蚀层, 生殖帷, 气球阻塞网, 舞台台口, (飞机)停机坪, 外表或作用类似围裙的东西, 挡板   apron
  •   固定音高   Definite Pitch
  •   固态甚频电视发射机   solid state VHF TV transmitter
  •   固态超频电视发射机   solid state UHF TV transmitter
  • abbr.  国家等技术教育毕业文凭   Higher National Diploma (a qualification in technical subjects equal to a bachelor's degree without honours)
  • abbr.  国家高级合格证书   Higher National Certificate (a qualification recognized by many UK technical and professional bodies)
  •   国际层建筑联合委员会   IJCTB
  •   国际层建筑联合委员会   International Joint Committee for Tall Buildings
  • n.  圆丘, 小丘, 山岗, 圆丘, 冰丘, 波状地, 沼泽中的地, 冰群(冰原上的), 沼泽中的肥沃地   hummock
  •   圆口高面鞋   curved top shoes