| - 日光反照通信镜 day light signalling mirror
- 日光屏 sun screen
- 日光彩色胶片冲洗机 daylight color film processor
- 日光恐怖 heliophobia
- 日光控制装置 daylight controls
- 日光显微镜 solar microscope
- 日光服 sunsuit
- 日光氯化物照相纸 solarchloride photographic paper
- n. 日光浴, 太阳灯浴 sunbathe
- 日光浴室、 浴廊等(用玻璃做围墙, 以吸收大量阳光). room, veranda, etc with glass sides, and situated so as to receive much sunlight
- n. 日光浴床(设有特殊灯光, 用以晒黑皮肤或治疗某些疾病) bed equipped with special lights used for giving sb an artificial sun-tan or in treating certain medical conditions
- n. 日光浴或医疗所用的)紫外线 ray of ultra-violet light as used on the body for tanning or for medical reasons (
- n. 日光浴治疗法, 日光疗法, 日光浴 heliotherapy
- n. 日光浴装, 日光衣, 儿童所穿的肩带短裤 sunsuit
- 日光湿疹 solar eczema
- 日光溴化物照相纸 solarbromide photographic paper