| - adj. 生意上的, 行家意味的, 多商店的, 小商人的, 象零售店的, 充满职业气味的, 三句不离本行的, 商店多的 shoppy
- 生物碱电池专用充电机 alkaloid battery special electrifier
- adj. 生黏液的, 分泌黏液的, 充满黏液的, 分泌粘液的, 生粘液的 muciferous
- n. 用以填充的)密封物质或装置 substance or device used to fill a gap, crack, etc so that gas or fluid cannot enter or escape (
- v. 用以引出与刚提到的事物有联系而作补充的事物) (used to introduce sth that is connected with and in addition to sth just mentioned
- n. 用以(尤指非法地)充硬币启动投币机的金属块. in a coin-operated machine
- 用全力; 发挥充分威力 in full force
- 用全部精力做某事; 使某事充满活力或生机 put life into sth.
- n. 用材料(尤指软物)充填、 衬垫或包裹某物(以覆盖或保护) material pressed tightly on, in or round it
- n. 用空话)拉长, 充斥(书、 文章、 讲话等) longer by adding unnecessary material (
- n. 用羽绒或其他轻软物填充的被褥. Cf 参看 duvet. quilt for a bed filled with soft feathers or other soft material
- v. 用防水材料填充缝隙或连接处)使(尤指船)不漏水. watertight by filling the seams or joints with waterproof material (
- n. 用隔热材料填充壁腔. pack the wall cavity with insulation
- adj. 由任命而充当的, 委任的, 任命的, 有任命权的 appointive
- v. 由於准备不充分而讲得错误百出. through a badly prepared speech
- 电容器充电 capacitor charge