| - 交通标志 traffic signs
- n. 交通标志(如表示速度限制、 有弯路等) traffic signs, eg for a speed limit, a bend in the road, etc
- 交通次干线 traffic distributor
- 交通次干线 traffic feeder
- 交通污染 traffic pollution
- 交通污染源 transportation source
- 交通法庭 traffic court
- 交通流态 traffic flow pattern
- 交通流线 traffic stream line
- 交通流量图 traffic flow map
- 交通混乱 traffic disturbance
- n. 交通灯前的一长列汽车. a queue of cars at the traffic-lights
- 交通状况冲撞总图 traffic combined condition collision diagram
- 交通状况图 traffic condition diagram
- 交通狭地带 traffic stripe
- 交通用油漆 traffic paints