| - 相外延燒的前鋒 extended front
- n. 看樣子你把保險絲燒斷了. It looks as though you've blown a fuse, ie caused it to melt
- 真空燒製 vacuum firing
- 着火, 燃燒 catch alight
- 着火燃燒; 激動起來; 對...發生興趣 take fire
- 瞬時燃燒 instantaneous combustion
- 石墨焙燒塊 roasted graphite lump
- 石油燃燒器 petroleum burner
- 石灰石焙燒 lime burning
- 石英燒杯 quartz beaker
- 砂器工藝品的燒製技術 technology of making clayware handwork
- 研磨燒仿 Grinding burn
- n. 破壞者, 垃圾焚毀爐, 燒垃圾的爐或竈, 爆破裝置, 自毀器, 雷管 destructor
- 硬火燒邊毛 stiff brown edged mallard scapular
- 硬質合金燒結碳化物 cemented carbide
- adj. 碎片的, 枯燥無味的, 口渴的, 心燒氣躁的, 易怒的 chippy