| - n. 他已陷於进退维谷的地步, 不是坐牢就是流放, 必须在两者间做出抉择. He was in the unenviable position of having to choose between imprisonment or exile
- 他常做出谁也料不到的事. He often does things you wouldn't expect him to
- adj. 他常常是好心办不出好事. He's well-intentioned but not very good at getting things done
- adj. 他年纪轻轻就表现出对异性的兴趣. He shows a precocious interest in the opposite sex
- prep. 他应该主动提出付款--他有的是钱, 别忘了. He should have offered to pay he has plenty of money, after all
- n. 他开始显出年老体衰的样子了. Old age and infirmity had begun to catch up with him
- v. 他开车带她出去兜风. He took her out for a drive
- 他强忍著不让眼泪流出来. He bravely held back his tears
- 他当推销员一向十分出色. as a salesman
- v. 他往下一坐, 椅子就发出了响声. The chair gave a groan as he sat down in it
- v. 他得扭著身子才钻了出来. He had to wriggle his way out
- v. 他得抑制住自己, 不咯咯地笑出声来. He had to smother a giggle
- v. 他心中仍闪出一线希望. A slender hope still flickered within him
- v. 他忍不住要笑出声来. He could scarcely suppress a laugh
- adj. 他怕在所有朋友面前出洋相. He's afraid of looking foolish in front of all his friends
- v. 他急忙伸出手臂把她扶住, 她才没有跌倒. He flung his arm out just in time to stop her falling