  • n.   zhí méi yòu huì shuō huà shuí yuàn tīng) .   I never gained a hearing, ie Nobody was willing to listen to me
  •    zhī dào jīn tiān shàng shuí lái guò diàn huà .   I wonder who phoned this morning
  • n.   zhī dào jiū jìng shì shuí .   I wonder who he is
  •    zhī dào zhè shì shuí deshū) .   this is
  • v.   néng tòu shì shuí gào de .   I can't reveal who told me
  • n.   tóng zhù dān yuán de rén guān shuí yìng zuò jiā shì chǎo liǎo jià .   I had a quarrel with my flat-mate about who should do the housework
  • n.   qián jiàn guò , dàn rèn chū shì shuí .   I've seen his face before but I can't place him
  • n.   men zài jiū jìng shì shuí huò shèng de wèn shàng shēng liǎo zhēng zhí .   over who had won
  • v.   men nòng qīng chǔ shì shuí gān de liǎo .   who did it
  • adv.   men jīng zhī dào shì shuí dào zhè fèn gōng zuò liǎo , dàn shì shàng wèi dào zhèng shì tōng zhī .   We already know who's got the job but we haven't yet been informed officially
  •    men néng ràng shuí zhǎng guǎn cái ?   Who can we have as treasurer?
  • v.   men gāi bèi shuí ?   Who should we lay the blame on? ie Who should we blame?
  • adj.   men shuō qīng gāi guài shuí .   who was to blame
  • prep.   fēn chū shuāng bāo tāi zhōng shuí shì shuí .   I can't tell one twin from the other
  •    zài gōng gòng chē shàng zhuǎn guò shēn lái , shuí liào hòu miàn zuò de jìng shì de qián .   I turned round on the bus and who should be sitting behind me but my ex-wife
  • adj.   shàng wèi jué dìng tóu shuí de piào .   who to vote for