n. wǒyīzhíméiyòujīhuìshuōhuà( shuíyěbùyuàntīng) . I never gained a hearing, ie Nobody was willing to listen to me
wǒbùzhīdàojīntiānshàngwǔshuídǎláiguòdiànhuà . I wonder who phoned this morning
n. wǒbùzhīdàotājiūjìngshìshuí . I wonder who he is
wǒbùzhīdàozhèshìshuíde( shū) . this is
v. wǒbùnéngtòulùshìshuígàosùwǒde . I can't reveal who told me
n. wǒyǔhéwǒtóngzhùyīdānyuánderénguānyúshuíyìngzuòjiāwùshìchǎoliǎoyījià . I had a quarrel with my flat-mate about who should do the housework
n. wǒyǐqiánjiànguòtā , dànwǒrènbùchūtāshìshuí . I've seen his face before but I can't place him
n. wǒmenzàijiūjìngshìshuíhuòshèngdewèntíshàngfāshēngliǎozhēngzhí . over who had won
v. wǒmenyǐnòngqīngchǔshìshuígāndeliǎo . who did it
adv. wǒmenyǐjīngzhīdàoshìshuídédàozhèfèngōngzuòliǎo , dànshìshàngwèidédàozhèngshìtōngzhī . We already know who's got the job but we haven't yet been informed officially
wǒmennéngràngshuízhǎngguǎncáiwùní ? Who can we have as treasurer?
v. wǒmengāizébèishuí ? Who should we lay the blame on? ie Who should we blame?
adj. wǒmenshuōbùqīnggāizéguàishuí . who was to blame
prep. wǒfēnbùchūshuāngbāotāizhōngshuíshìshuí . I can't tell one twin from the other
wǒzàigōnggòngqìchēshàngzhuǎnguòshēnlái ,shuíliàohòumiànzuòdejìngshìwǒdeqiánqī . I turned round on the bus and who should be sitting behind me but my ex-wife
adj. wǒshàngwèijuédìngtóushuídepiào . who to vote for