| - n. 液体涡旋, 涡旋, 沸腾, 翻滚, 沸腾声 gurgitation
- 深冲用沸腾钢 effervescent deep drawing steel
- adj. 清除某物内部将其腾空或使之整洁 He cleared out before the police arrived. 警察尚未来到, 他就急忙溜掉了. clear sth out make sth empty or tidy by removing what is inside it
- 潜在蒸发蒸腾 potential evapotranspiration
- vi. 煮滚, 沸腾, 激动, 骚动, (液体)翻腾, 滚动, 起泡, 激昂, 大发雷霆 seethe
- 煮着, 正在沸腾 be on the boil
- 煮着, 正在沸腾 be at the boil
- 爬得很高, 飞黄腾达, 官运亨通 climb up the ladder
- 爬得很高, 飞黄腾达, 官运亨通 go up the ladder
- 牺牲腾空球 sacrifice fly
- v. 班轮驶过留下的白沫翻腾的航迹. the foaming white wake of the liner
- v. 用沸腾的液体或蒸汽)烫伤(自己或自己身体的部位) with boiling liquid or steam (
- n. 疔疮, 疖子, 煮, 沸点, 沸腾 boil
- v. 空出, 腾出, 离, 退 vacate
- n. 立即腾出这所房子是当务之急. Immediate vacation of the house is essential
- 箱式负压沸腾干燥箱 box-type negative-pressure boiling dry-box