Chinese English Phrase:
  • n.  在中世纪的洲, 能获封爵士即是登峰造极了.   Knighthood was an ideal in medieval Europe
  • n.  在南, 有时可看到用牛拉车. Drag and haul suggest that the object is heavy and usually pulled along the ground. *drag和haul指所拉者为重物, 通常为在地面上移动. It is therefore difficult to move and requires (great) effort. 因较困难, 故需用(极大之)力. Drag suggests greater friction *drag暗指具较大摩擦力   You sometimes see oxen pulling carts in southern Europe.
  • adj.  在洲共同体内部工人的自由流动   free movement of workers within the European Community
  •   在欧洲发生或传播的   adj happening in or extending over Europe
  • adj.  在欧洲大陆的假日.   a continental holiday
  • adj.  在英国路上开车, 要与洲其他国家方向相反.   In England you must drive on the opposite side of the road to the rest of Europe
  •   在那边; [美]在洲; [大战时用语]在战地   over there
  • n.  在饱经战争磨难的洲, 瑞士是和平的世外桃源.   Switzerland was an enclave of peace in war-torn Europe
  • n.  地钱, 苔类植物, 龙牙草, 獐耳细辛   liverwort
  •   培普利欧霉素   Peplomycin
  •   培普利欧霉素   Peplomycin Sulfate
  • n.  基奥瓦人, 凯瓦人, 凯瓦语   kiowa
  •   塞欧斯   Meloxicam
  •   塞欧斯   Meloxicam-Shenghe Pharm
  • n.  墙头花, 桂竹香(洲常见园艺植物, 春季开花, 味香, 通常呈橙色或赭色).   flowers in spring
  •   墨西哥湾流(从墨西哥湾横过大西洋, 流向洲的暖流).   warm current flowing across the Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico towards Europe