| - 亚热带无风带(约南北纬30°-35°) horse latitudes
- n. 产于南美Andes山脉的骆马之类 guanaco
- n. 今天刮南风. the south today
- 从一处到另一处(尤指从小地方到伦敦或从英国南部到北部) go from one place to another, esp from a smaller place to London or from the south to the north of Britain
- n. 从前的西班牙金币的名称, 旧时西班牙及中南部美金币名, 钱, 多布隆(西班牙及拉丁美洲的古金币), 从前西班牙金币的名称 doubloon
- adj. 从南方刮来的和风. southerlybreezes
- 从大不列颠的最北端到最南端, 英国全土 from John o'Groat's to Land's End
- n. 他们以前住在苏格兰, 後来移居南方了. They used to live in Scotland but they moved down south
- n. 他到南方来找工作. He came to the South to look for a job
- n. 他在英格兰西南部有一处房地产. He has a property in the West Country
- n. 他已乘船(从南安普顿)去纽约了. for New York
- 伊拉克南部将领马基德("化学阿里 Iraqi commander in the south: Ali Hassan al-Majid (Chemical Ali)
- n. 位於、 向著、 来自或对著)东南(的) the point on the compass midway between south and east (
- n. 位於、 向著、 来自或对著)西南(的) the point on the compass midway between south and west (
- adj. 低的, 下级的, 下层的, 较低的, 低级的, 早期的, 下游的, 低年级的, 较近的, 南部的, 下等的 lower
- adv. 住在南方. Cf 参看 up 4. living down south