| - n. 他用刀殺害了妻子. He murdered his wife with a knife
- v. 他用大剪刀幾下子就把灌木給修剪好了. With a few quick snips of the shears he pruned the bush
- n. 他用臂、 鐮刀一揮. with a sweep of his arm, scythe
- n. 他給一些為報紙專欄`寫'文章的體育界名人做捉刀人. He ghosts for a number of sports personalities who `write' newspaper columns
- n. 他輕觸一下把刀刃彈出. He flicked the knife open
- v. 代人捉刀的報紙專欄. a ghost-written newspaper column
- 代表産業工人和農民的)錘子鐮刀圖案(用作前蘇聯國徽). symbols of the industrial worker and the peasant, used as the emblem of the USSR (
- 以血染劍, 初試刀鋒 flesh one's maiden sword
- n. 儀表前蓋, 鑿刃的斜面, 寶石的斜面, 寶石座, 企口溝緣, 玻璃框, 聚光圈小指示燈, (刀具的)刃角, 寶石切割的斜面, (手錶上)鑲嵌寶石的底座, 鑿的刃角 bezel
- 傘齒輪刨刀 bevel gear shaper cutter
- 傘齒輪銑刀 bevel gear milling cutter
- 伸縮式鉸刀 expansion reamer
- 低溫乾燥刀豆 freeze-dried green string bean
- 體育刀 gymnastic knife
- v. 你把剪刀放在哪兒了?'`我把它放(回)到抽屜裏了.' in the drawer.' `
- v. 你要是當著我朋友的面再那樣做, 我就和你一刀兩斷! If you behave like that in front of my friends again, I'll disown you