| - v. 补缀,掩饰,平息 patch
- 补缀;【刷】拼版, 垫版 patching up
- 补缀科 Prosthodontics
- n. 补缩冒口, 金属板波纹压机, 收缩机, 冒口 shrinker
- 补肝益肾 an enricher and nutrient for the liver and kidney
- 补色立体地图 anaglyphic map
- 补色立体眼镜 anaglyphic spectacles
- 补色立体镜 anaglyphoscope
- 补色蒙片 complementary mask
- n. 补药, 主调音或基音, 增进健康或体力的东西, 滋补品, 主音, 基音, 滋补剂 tonic
- n. 补药, 强壮剂 invigorator
- 补血和气 nourishing blood and adjusting spirit
- 补血和气,壮腰强筋 nourishing blood and adjusting spirit, strengthening waist and sinews
- n. 补血药, 补血剂 hematinic
- n. 补语化成分, 补语化成分 complementizer
- vt. 补足, 补充, 使完备, 补助 complement