| - n. 这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验. The crisis put his courage and skill to the test
- adj. 这相当於实际上减少了5%(考虑到通货膨胀等因素). This represents a reduction of 5% in real terms, ie when inflation, etc has been allowed for
- n. 进行远征、 探险、 考察等的)人或使用的车辆、 船只等 people, vehicles, ships, etc making this journey (
- n. 远征, 探险队, 迅速, 探险, 考察, 远征队, 有效而迅速的行动, 敏捷, 发出, 派遣, 发送, 调查 expedition
- v. 选任新经理时没有考虑他. when they set about choosing a new manager
- 选料考究 choice materials
- n. 途径, 通行, 及格, 山口, 隘口, (飞机等)一次掠过, 一次飞过, 传球动作, (比赛中)手法, 免费券, 招待券, 通行证, 考试及格, (困难的)处境, 境遇, 经过, 关口, 护照, 入场券, 传球 pass
- n. 通常是低声或无声的, 也可为独自思考和阅读的反应 Chuckle and chortle both indicate laughing with pleasure and satisfaction. *chuckle和chortle均指因高兴和满足而笑. Chuckling is usually quiet and may be a response to private thoughts or reading *chuckling
- 通过[没通过]考试 pass an examination
- 通过[没通过]考试 fail in an examination
- v. 通过竞争、 冲突等)考验某事物, 较量 sb test sth through competition, conflict, etc (
- adj. 遗嘱附录的, 像遗嘱附录的, 附注的, 备考的 codicillary
- 遗漏;省去;删去;不考虑 leave out
- 遵从, 听从; 考虑到, 鉴于 in deference to
- 遵从, 听从; 考虑到, 鉴于 out of deference to
- n. 那次考试我可考糟了. I made a real muck of that exam