| - n. 尤指旧时)(给女子的或女子挣的)零花钱, 私房钱(尤指买衣物用的). small amount of money given to a woman or earned by her for her personal needs, esp clothes (
- n. 尤指街道上的)给水栓, 消防栓. with a nozzle to which a hose can be attached, for drawing water from a water-main to clean streets, put out fires, etc (
- 就餐券(作为工资的一部分发给雇员, 可在某些餐馆用餐). ticket, given to an employee as part of his pay, that can be exchanged for food at certain restaurants
- 局内综合定时供给系统 Bureau Integrated Timing Supply system (BITS)
- 崇拜者寄给心中偶像的信. letters from fans to the person they admire
- 工作可交给他一个人去做. He can be left to work on his own
- v. 已授权给律师偿付她的一切帐项. The lawyer was empowered to pay all her bills
- 布给定律 Bouguer's law
- vt. 布置, 装饰, 给做软垫, (给椅子)装上椅套, 装潢 upholster
- n. 希尔先生把这块地租给我们, 租金每年500英镑. to us at 500 a year
- n. 希望这个符咒会给你带来好运. I hope this charm will bring you luck
- adj. 带有灵感的, 给予灵感的, 灵感的, 有灵感的 inspirational
- v. 干, 做, 实行, 尽力, 给予, 可用, 制作, 算出, 解答, DominicanRepublic, 多米尼加共和国 do
- 干式给药机 dry reagent feeder
- 应给予赔偿费的工伤 compensable injury
- adj. 店主给我们的分量不足 we got 7.5 kilos instead of 10 kilos