称Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 用作男子对男子的称谓, 尤用於社会地位比自己高的人) used by a man when addressing another man, esp one of higher social status
- n. 用作男子的尊称, 加在姓後, 尤用於书信中, Mr则用於姓前) , esp in addressing letters (
- adj. 用作神职人员的尊称) (used as the title of a clergyman
- 用作称呼, 通常含轻松或不耐烦的语气) used as a form of address, usu in a lively or an impatient way
- n. 用作称呼或提及大主教、 公爵、 公爵夫人、 女公爵的尊称) Your Grace [C] (used as a title when speaking to or of an archbishop, a duke or a duchess
- adj. 用作称呼语(尤於水手之间) (used as a form of address, esp among sailors)
- n. 用作称呼语)医生. doctor (
- adj. 用作称谓)宗教团体的领导 head of a religious community (
- abbr. 用作街道名称) Gardens (in street names
- n. 用於公寓楼的专有名称中) Mansions [pl] (used in proper names for a block of flats
- n. 用於短街、 广场等名称中) (as part of a name for a short street, square etc
- n. 用於称呼某人, 通常为男性朋友, 用於口语) used to address sb, usu a male friend, informally
- n. 用於道路的名称, 尤用於城镇) (in names of roads, esp in towns
- 用於酒馆、 商店等的名称, 作仿古体拼写) = the det (used in the names of pubs, shops, etc as if it were the old-fashioned spelling
- 用第一人称叙述的文体 style of story-telling in which the author writes or speaks as if tellingthe story personally
- v. 申斥某人干了坏事、 不称职等. upbraid sb for wrongdoing, incompetence, etc