| - v. 愉快、 活跃或振作起来(尤指病後或曾消沉) become more cheerful, lively or vigorous, esp after illness or depression
- n. 意大利菜肴, 消食甜酒, 萨白昂(饮料) zabaglione
- 意志消沉, 垂头丧气, 怏怏不乐 in low [poor] spirits
- n. 意志薄弱,意志消沉 hypobulia
- 感应消音器 induction silencer
- v. 慢慢消失,耗尽 peter
- vt. 慢慢消耗, 浪费, 弄碎, 切碎, (常与away连用)浪费, 剁碎, 细切 fritter
- adj. 憔悴的, 消瘦了的, 快腐烂的, 尖的, 多峰的, 瘦削的, 憔悴的(亦作peaked), 尖峰的 peaky
- 成功;兑现诺言;实现;补偿;消除不良影响 make good
- n. 成空, 搬空, 排泄, 放出, 出清, 宣告无效, 取消, 废除, 放弃, 空缺, 放出 voidance
- v. 我不久就完全打消了天黑以前赶到家里的想法. I soon renounced all thought of getting home before dark
- n. 我从无线电广播中听到了这消息. I heard it on the radio
- n. 我从本地的报纸上看到了这条消息. I read it in the local rag
- v. 我们一定要消灭恐怖主义. We are determined to smash terrorism
- n. 我们原想去野餐, 後来因为下雨而取消了. We wanted to go for a picnic, but we had to scrub it because of the rain
- n. 我们听到你的好消息非常兴奋. We were thrilled to hear your wonderful news