| - v. 有一辆汽车冷不防从岔道上冲出, 险些撞著我. A car suddenly shot out of a side road and nearly hit me
- adv. 有个跳舞人的舞步稍微有些不合拍. One dancer was fractionally out of step
- 有些, 稍微, 有几分 after a sort
- n. 有些[感到/显得]情绪低落 look under the weather
- v. 有些临时访客把她耽搁在办公室里了. She was detained in the office by unexpected callers
- n. 有些事情更重要. Some things matter more than others
- adj. 有些事情还是不说出来为好. Some things are better left unsaid
- adv. 有些人, 比如说阿瑟吧, 就是不能好好自理. Some people, and incidentally that includes Arthur, just won't look after themselves properly
- v. 有些人一直搞鬼想让老板把秘书解雇. Some of the members had been intriguing to get the secretary dismissed
- adj. 有些人仍然认为妇女进屋时男子不起立是有失礼貌的. Some people still think it is impolite for men not to stand up when a woman comes into the room
- adj. 有些人仍然认为婚前的性行为是不道德的. Some people still think it is immoral to have sex before marriage
- adj. 有些人可能认为无线电广播在广播事业中稍逊一筹. Some people may regard radio as the poor relation of broadcasting
- n. 有些人好管闲事. Some people are very inquisitive
- n. 有些人好(与人)争论. Some people love to dispute (with everyone).
- n. 有些人开车真粗野. Some drivers are real pigs
- v. 有些人径直往河里倒垃圾. Some people just dump their rubbish in the river