| - adj. 工作还没做完. remained undone
- adj. 巨轮在滚滚浪涛中沉没. The great ship sank below the waves
- 差不多没有, 很少 next to nothing [none]
- 差点没头的尼克 Nearly Headless Nick
- 已注定的败局; 没希望的事 lost cause
- n. 已经一个星期没有消息了, 他渐渐觉得有些奇怪. There has been no news for a week and he is beginning to wonder
- v. 已经告诉我她还没好不要去看她. I had been warned off visiting her while she was still unwell
- n. 布告贴得太高--谁也没法看. The notice is placed too high nobody can read it
- adv. 希望你做的事你显然并没做. You have signally failed to do what was expected of you
- adj. 带木塞气味的, 塞着瓶塞的, 塞着塞子的, 软木后跟的(鞋子等), 用烧焦的软木涂黑的, (酒等)有软木塞气味的, 因没塞好塞子而走味的, [美俚]喝醉的, 有瓶塞的, 用瓶塞塞住的, 有瓶塞味的(酒) corked
- 常出没于沼泽区或未开发森林地带的人; 【动】画眉 swamp angel
- v. 常到, 出没, 萦绕于心, 神鬼出没 haunt
- vt. 常去, 缠住, 常出现, 缠身, 反复出没于, 常到(某地), (鬼魂)出没, 萦绕心头 haunt
- v. 平原上单调得毫无变化, 连一棵树都没有. Not a single tree relieved the flatness of the plain
- adv. 平房没有上层. A bungalow does not have an upstairs
- n. 平静的海上没有一点迹象显示暴风雨即将来临. The calm sea gave no hint of the storm that was coming