  • n.  蒙古症, 天性愚型, 伸舌样白痴, 天愚型病   mongolism
  • adj.  被充分理解的, 取得同意的, 不言自明的, 事知道的   understood
  • n.  被视为)优先的事物   more important than others (
  • pron.  要掌握实据才可公开指责.   One must be sure of one's facts before making a public accusation
  • v.  要重新抹好灰泥再刷浆.   The plaster will have to be made good before you paint it
  • v.  要想解决这一难题, 咱们来考虑一下如何著手方为上策.   Before trying to solve the puzzle, let us consider the best way to approach it
  • adj.  要搬家得先做好计画.   forwards to see better. 他把身子向前探, 以便看得更清楚. To move house requires forward planning
  •   见幻象, 能预卜未来, 做知   see visions
  • n.  视奏(未经事学习或练习, 见到乐谱即行演奏)   play music at sight, ie when seen in printed form without previous study or practice
  • n.  视觉, 见之明, 光景, 视力, 眼力, 视野, 洞察力, 想象力, 幻象, 梦想, 幻影, 美景, 美人, 绝妙的东西, 显圣, 幻视, 描述, 电影中的回忆场面, 幻想场面, 远见, 幻像, 念头, 想象, 幻想, 景象   vision
  • v.  解除布雷特生的经理职务   relieve Mr Brett of his post as manager
  • n.  警告, 预告, 通知, 告诫, 前兆警报, 预通知, 提醒, 前兆, 借鉴, 反面教材, 教训, 预兆   warning
  • vt.  警戒, 预通知, 预告, (常与of, against连用)警告, 提醒, 告诫, (常与that连用)事通知, 告诫(某人)离开, 告诫(某人)不得靠近, 警告, 注意, 通知   warn
  • n.  警方预通知大家防备有外人闯入.   The police warned people to be on the watch for intruders
  • n.  让右方驶来的车辆行.   Give way to traffic coming from the right
  •   让我先谈一个问题   If you agree, (With your permission) let me start with one issue