| - n. 基督教的)教士或牧师(尤指英国国教会的). priest or minister of the Christian Church, esp the Church of England (
- 基础英语(Basic一词由 British, American, Scientific, International, Commercial 等词的首字母组成) Basic English
- 塑料包层石英纤维 plastic-clad silica fiber
- 塑料涂覆石英纤维 plastic coated silica fiber
- v. 壁架凌空伸出几英尺. The ledge overhangs by several feet
- n. 处方收费(在英国指病人为获得国民保健署所提供的药品而缴纳的费用). money to be paid by the patient for drugs supplied on the National Health Service
- n. 复写机, 复写机, 誉写板, (英国)罗尼欧牌蜡纸复印机, 誊写版 roneo
- n. 夏季[冬季]飞到英国海岸的候鸟. winter visitors to British shores
- 外科医生兼药剂员(英国) apothecary surgeon
- n. 多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门. The port of Dover is England's gateway to Europe
- 多氯二苯并对二英 polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin
- n. 多用於美式英语, 尤为工业加工者 a gasworks, ironworks 煤气厂、 钢铁厂. Plant is more common in US English and relates especially to industrial processes *plant
- adj. 大不列颠的, 英国的, 大英帝国的, 大布列颠的 britannic
- 大世界百货公司(英) Great Universal Store
- n. 大乡绅, 领主, 领主, 苏格兰的贵族, (古代英国)介于贵族和平民间的大乡绅(以服兵役取得国王的封地), 大乡绅 thane
- n. 大人国, (英国作家斯维夫特Swift所著《格列佛游记》 brobdingnag