| - adj. 说实在的, 我认为你儿子这次考试及格的希望不大. frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam
- 请仔细考虑我说的话. Please think over what I've said
- v. 请准备一枝尖的铅笔和一块橡皮参加考试. Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam
- n. 请教, 谘询, 协议会, 商议, 征求意见, 磋商, 会商, (专家的)会议, 协商[审议]会, 会诊, 鉴定, 参考, 查阅, 查考, 咨询, 咨询会, 磋商会, 会诊 consultation
- n. 请集中考虑以下问题. Please focus your minds on the following problem
- vi. 调情, (常与with连用)稍加考虑, (常与with连用)不以为然, 摇晃的移动, 玩弄, 摇晃地摆动, 摆动, 轻率地对待 flirt
- vt. 调查, 检查, 检验, 研究, 考试, 审查, 审问, 诊察, 细查, 查问 examine
- adj. 调查的, 考究的, 探索性的, 进行探究的 zetetic
- 谨慎的思想, 严肃的考虑 a serious thought
- n. 谨附原文以便查考. The original text is here for ease of reference
- 财政资源规则:供证券交易商参考的注释 Financial Resources Rules: Notes for the Use of Securities Dealers
- 质地考究 superior quality
- 质地考究 superior in quality
- v. 赋予个性,个别地加以考虑 individualize
- 赛洛斯考泼粘胶粒子计数仪 Celloscope
- 赢, 获胜; 考第一名 come out first