| - 小气鬼,没格调的人 cheapo
- n. 小狗还没长出多少毛. The puppies haven't got much fur yet
- adj. 小的, 小的, 次要的, 没有价值的, 微不足道的, 琐碎的 petit
- adj. 小的, 幼小的, 小得可爱的, 矮小的, 心地狭窄的, 孩子似的, 短的, 琐碎的, 微不足道的, 渺小的, 很少的, 甚微的, 几乎没有, 一些, 一点点, 卑鄙的, 小规模的, 无影响力的, 微弱的, 不强的, 年轻的, 很少的, 短暂的 little
- adj. 小船在沙丘搁浅, 没过多久我们就又使它航行自如了. The boat stuck on a sandbank but we soon got it afloat again
- 尚未, 还没有 not yet
- n. 尤指门)关著但没上锁. closed but not locked (
- n. 就我记忆所及(假若我没记错的话) to the best of my recollection, ie if I remember correctly
- adv. 就技术而言那座建筑物是杰作, 但却没人喜欢. Technicallythe building is a masterpiece, but few people like it
- 尽一切办法; 一定, 绝对; 当然可以, 没问题 by all manner of means
- adj. 尽是杂草的, 似杂草的, 瘦弱的, 杂草丛生的, 象杂草一样蔓生的, 散播得极快的, 没用的, 没价值的, 瘦长的, 虚弱的, 杂草多的 weedy
- adv. 尽管严格来说你没算撒谎, 但肯定你并没把实情都告诉我们. you may not have lied, you certainly haven't told us the whole truth
- n. 尽管她没有资格参加这次晚宴, 我认为出於礼节还是应该邀请她. Although she is not entitled to attend the dinner, I think she should be invited as a matter of form, ie because it is correct or polite
- v. 屋里没有动静(大家都在休息、 睡觉等). Nobody was stirring in the house, ie Everybody was resting, sleeping, etc
- n. 工人, 挖土机, 凿河或修路的工人, 无特殊技术的工人, 粗工, 掘土机, 挖泥机, (没有技术的)工人, 壮工 navvy
- adj. 工作不熟练的, 没有技术的, 做工拙劣的, 制作得很差的, 不像能工巧匠做的 unworkmanlike