| - 信用票据, 贷方单据(退货顾客用以换取等值的其他货物的凭证). note given to a customer who has returned goods to the seller, allowing him to have other goods with a value equal to those returned
- n. 信贷方面信誉良好. enjoy a high credit rating
- 信道借用方式 Channel Borrowing Scheme
- 修正后的方向角 corrected deflection
- 修正微分方程 modified differential equation
- 修正方位角 corrected azimuth
- 修葺及支出方面的免税额 allowance for repairs and outgoings
- v. 修补过的地方几乎看不出来. The mends were almost invisible
- n. 修订, 修正, 校正, 被校订的地方 emendation
- n. 修道院院长, 男修道院院长, 方丈, 主持, 修道院, 修道士的总称 abbot
- n. 俱乐部、 社团等的地方分部. local branch of a club, society, etc
- 倒后方位 back bearing
- 倒向[附和]胜利的一方 come down on the rightside of the fence
- 倒向[附和]胜利的一方 descend on the rightside of the fence
- 倒时方程 inhour equation
- adj. 倘若选举那天你在休假, 可以申请用邮寄方法投票. If you will be on holiday on election day, you may apply for a postal vote