| - v. 回忆起童年时代、 某人的名字 recollect one's childhood, sb's name
- 因...出名 have great renown for
- 因...而著名 be known for
- 因...而著名, 以...闻名 have a reputation for sth. (=have the reputation of)
- 因...著名 signalize oneself by
- adj. 因为她小气得出了名, 我决定不找她借钱. I decided not to ask her for a loan in view of her proverbial meanness
- 因乔治·奥韦尔的《通向威根码头之路》一书而永享盛名的威根码头. Wigan pier, as immortalized in George Orwell's book `The Road to Wigan Pier'
- 因写作过多而弄坏身体[名誉等] overwrite oneself
- adj. 因动作粗野而声名狼藉的运动队. somewhat violent way
- v. 因善於做某事)受人注目, 出名 oneself deserve to be noticed by doing sth very well (
- 因对初犯宽宏大量而知名的女法官. a magistrate known for her leniency with first-time offenders
- v. 因成绩不及格而被学校除名. flunk out be dismissed from a school or college for failure
- n. 因精於各项体育运动而知名. at all forms of sport
- n. 因解雇两名工人而引起的罢工事件 a strike caused by the dismissal of two workers
- 国君授予称号、 勋章等的)荣誉名册. list of people given titles, decorations, etc by the Sovereign (
- n. 国民保健署医生名单. list of doctors who treat patients in a certain area as part of the National Health Service